"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
~ Unknown
No one can ever accuse me of doing anything the easy way. Ok . . . so most of this occurs not so much because I do not like the easy way, that is, actively and consciously chosing the opposite of easy, but rather I find myself on the road less traveled because I love to occasionally self-destruct. And here's the beautiful thing, I always seem to find the bestest times to go tits up. I'm like, "Hey! HEY! Hey there Joshy buddy! It's me, you know, you! You know, I was thinking . . . life's fucking AWESOME right now! Why don't we do something really, really, really fucking stupid? How's that sound?" and then I'm like, "Dude! I'm sooooo IN!" . . . It's a gift. Although, even finding myself in a position I'm not particularly proud or pleased about, things are coming around in a pretty half-assed decent way.
Thursday night, last week - one week ago today actually - the cavalry ride into town. By "cavalry" I mean my dad and my brother. Nice. An they have a trailer. Nicer. It was good to see them. I'd been by myself at the house, mostly going nuts, for the last three days prior. We got to work immediately loading boxes and my meager furniture in my father's motorcycle trailer until about 10 o'clock. My brother wanted to eat dinner at 9 o'clock, but dad and myself wanted to load boxes - so in textbook passive-agressive fashion he just stopped helping and lay on the floor. "Healthy" and "functional" are the two words NOT coming to my vocabulary. I love my brother, but he can be a jackass.
Friday last . . . we get up around 8 o'clock and have breakfast. We are working by 10 AM. We decide to take the fridge and new oven (it's likely I won't be paying for it anyway [HA! eat that motherfuckers!]). The motorcycle trailer packs to capacity and we need another trailer to haul behind my '94 S-10 Chevy Blazer (not an actual picture of my vehicle [reference purposes only!]). We go to Uhaul and get an open trailer. It takes a good hour and a half to get things straightened out with Uhaul because while my vehicle (from here on out referred to as the "Blizaazar") had a frame hitch present, there existed no wiring for the purposes of lighting the trailer turn signals and brake lights. Since we thought it was a good idea to have the ability to let other motorists know the intentions of the driver of the Blizaazar whilst towing the trailer, we accepted this modest delay. While waiting for the wiring we loaded two queen mattresses and box springs in the bed of my father's large diesel pick-up (he loves this truck, somewhat akin to a third less troublesome and more useful child). The load was cinched down with ratchet-style tie-downs, making the load sure, but for good measure we added tape, lots and lots and lots of tape (if a little is good, then a whole roll MUST, as a necessity be better). We considered taping around the entire truck, and this was probably the best idea, but highly impractical . . . After picking up the trailer at Uhaul we load what remains of my life with the exception of my gas grill. We just could not make it fit - bye bye BBQ grill. We initially got on the road ~7:30 and with a few failures to fly - load NEEDED more tape - and my brother's hunger and bowels (don't ask) - we were traveling in earnest a little after 9 o'clock, stopping just west of Indianapolis.
The next day was pretty uneventful, with the exception of the Blizaazar - black smoke coming from my poor little SUV as it tried to haul its meager load 850 miles. Turns out if I kept the MPH ~65, no black smoke. Nice. Blizaazar was running fine, but was probably spilling a little oil from the transmission when the pressure got high and Blizaazar got angry while pulling the load up hills and trying to maintain a speed ~70 MPH (the sound was similar to RRRRNNNNNAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR . . . scream it and you've got an idea). My father had some storage and things were unloaded when we got in.
Life at the homestead has been nice and relaxing. I've done my best to help with odd jobs and chores around the house, cleaning my dad's shop and spraying weeds - whatever to keep myself busy. My wife is being very "wife-like" and I am taking this to be a good sign. She occasionally gets bitchy and bossy and I've been ignoring that. I'm not responsible for her negative feelings - a novel concept that is somewhat new to me, and completely incomprehensible to my wife. If the Lord wants us to stay together, we will. She's a bit confused because I'm not allowing myself to be disrespected - yes I fucked up and she has a right to her anger and whatever else nasty stuff she has going on, but this is not an excuse for disrespect nor am I responsible for her feelings. She decides to to be mad and can also decide to not be mad. She is entitled to whatever she choses.
We've spoken to a lawyer about the financial situation and I'm not sure I need to go into great detail about that here, but right now . . . it's really a waiting game to see if the house sells. As I have no money to pay on the mortgage, and no known source of income in the immediate future, my hands are a bit tied. Ever since my first credit card in college to my first electrical bill, every time a bill has come for me, I've paid it. I'm not very comfortable with things right now, but what am I to do? If that house goes into forclosure, then I'll be filing bankruptcy. If we can sell that bad-boy, my credit will take a beating with late payments and such on the credit cards, but I think it's doable, especially with my wife working here and staying with my parents for the short term.
So, that's really it for now. I'm leaving for Cali in the morning - early. The Lord is with me and that is all I have, but for me, today, that's enough.
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