California is where you can't run any farther without getting wet.”
~ Neil Morgan
Never say never . . . it might bite you in the ass. So, I'm back in California. I don't know that I have much more to say than that. It's weird . . . really, really, really fucking weird. I had no intention of ever coming back here. It's humbling. Part of me feels like I never even left.
Well . . . I am here. I think this was the best move considering . . . considering what? Why . . . just how incredibly fucked up my situation is, of course. I don't exactly know what my best move from here is, but at least I'm here.
Truth is I'm scared and confused. I'm lonely and an unknown tommarow, next week, next month, next year, have me more than a little despondent. All I really have is today anyway . . . and that will have to be enough for now.
Last week the cavalry. This week back into the crap. Well so be it.
You do not have the prespective of many years but before your life is over I belive that many patients will be singing your praises, hang in there. And BTW some of us didn't even finsh traing till we were almost 40 years old so don't feel like you are to far behind.
Finally, the cavalry is probably still on patrol and available if needed. That is their job, to serve and protect, when one is in "indian country".
Good luck in what I belive will be an opportunity rich environment.
Not what you wanna hear but it's good to have you back :D
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