Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Gits and Shiggles #1

(Mad Poet by Michael Whelan)

“I am interested in madness. I believe it is the biggest thing in the human race, and the most constant. How do you take away from a man his madness without also taking away his identity?”
~ William Saroyan

It been way too long since my last post. I must admit I have been underwhelmed by the response to my blog which has metered out a bit of unenthusiam about the entire endeavor. I suppose none of that should really matter, but as it turns out, I'm a bit more vain than I often like to admit, finding more motivation, than I care to look at, attributable to my narcissism. What's a "G" to do? Roll down the street? Smoke some endo? Sip on gin and juice? (Which "juice" by the way? To be cute I once ordered a "gin and juice" and the bartender told me not to be an idiot . . .)

So what's been going on? Two weekends back I was up in central California (NOT northern California - idiots who refer to central California as "northern" California have not looked at a map recently. There is at least 300-400 more fucking miles of state above San Francisco! But, try telling any idiot California person that there actually is a world outside of California [that isn't New York City] and you will be met with only blank stares . . . California is full of mouth-breathers and short-bus riders). I had the pleasant, unfortuante honor of driving up to Fresno for a wedding. If you've never been to Fresno, do not go. If you were actually thinking about going to Fresno, please do not. Let me save you the time, energy, and money by following this very simple procedure which will give you the Fresno experience without even having to go. First go to Chipolte and order TWO burritos, one with black beans and the other with pinto beans. Eat both (you may need more than one sittin to accomplish this). Wait for the ensuing cramps and gas, and take (why do they calling it "taking" a shit, when you are actually "leaving" one) a huge shit. Look at large bowel movement. Appreciate the smell. You now no longer need to go to Fresno - you have experienced, first hand, exactly what is Fresno is like. The place is a shit hole, and while probably not the most Godforsaken place in the continental United States, it is definitely on the top 10 list.

This last weekend met my father in San Diego and took my son to the Zoo. One of the most awesome experiences of my short fatherhood. My son loved that shit, and I don't know why, but when you see you kid pointing at an animal, telling you what the animal is specifically and then making the appropriate animal sound, you feel like shitting your pants with pride. I'm almost 100% poitive my kid can kick your kid's ass. The Zoo is big - bring snacks and refreshments for your kid - or you might run into a logistical todler nightmare. We stayed in La Jolla in a place on Prospect with a view of the beach. No wonder people want to live there. Ate the most amazing Persian food for which I have little words to describe the complete and total awesomeness of the experience. I fucking love new foods. Also, and I think this bears repeated, if you are taking your todler to the restaurant, and there will be a wait for food - snacks are the weapon of choice - meltdowns have been known to occur and if left unchecked could continue through mealtime.

Finally, I have to take a few Yoga classes for Ambulatory Medicine. Seriously. WHAT THE FUCK?! Oh no! Do not get me wrong, I understand why I am taking the selective, but what the fuck is up with Yoga? That shit is fucking hard! I don't want to go back, but strangely I feel wonderful on top of the sore. A big guy like me in a room full of in-shape women sticks out like a turd in a punch bowl, but I think I'll keep going. Seriously. Fucking newey agey bullshit, but I think it's good for me.

Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnndd . . . . . I'm out.


Anonymous said...

Well. I have been to Fresno about thirty years ago. It did not seem so bad then. I was also lived in the Inland Empire for three years about thirty years ago. The Empire was pretty decent back then but on repeated trips back from the midwest over the last five years it really has taken on Hemingway's description of San Bernardino as the armpit of the nation.

As for the San Diego Zoo it is a great place for kids especially grandkids but overall my sense of personal freedom exudes great sypathy for the magnificent beasts that are housed there. While I cannot put my finger on it exactly I think that there is something unethical about zoos that they violate nature and the natural order of things.

I suppose I should not be suprised, since we tend to violate our fellow human beings in cruel and unusual ways, from this it is only one small step to the lesser beings. I belive that this notion applies to factory farms as well. Somehow I do not think that the way we treat the lesser animals is what God had in mind when he gave Adam dominion over his creation. I will not try to make an argument for those who are atheists they will have to develop their own sense of ethics that applies to human and other beings.

Finally, getting back to Fresno, well it is just the beginning plan accordingly.

Maria said...
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AFGO said...

For the soul? The soul feels more free, but there is always pain in freeing the soul . . .

You can find yoga monday and wednesday at the drayson - I'll have to find a new class when I move.