“Odd how much it hurts when a friend moves away- and leaves behind only silence.”
~Pam Brown
There's much to blog about, but right now . . . I'm sad. I'm leaving this place. All the cupboards are empty, the closets - empty - the bathroom - empty - Sam's room - empty - our room - empty. I'm sitting in the front room typing on my computer because I wanted to get this moment down. I am surrounded by boxes. I still need to empty the fridge and unplug it. My car needs to be packed, and the garage needs straightening. It's 01:28 AM. I'm listening to Coast to Coast AM with george noory . . .
This place is empty. My wife and little boy gone on ahead. Movers coming in the morning. I will be trusting most of my stuff to people I know by reputation only. I'm taking the important things with me.
I really found myself here in California. Somewhere in this weird and strange journey . . . I found me. Those of you who actually read, know that I lost myself when I came out here. I learned my most important life lessons here during the journey from the edge. I got married and while I am not a perfect husband, I am a good husband. I try, and I am getting better. I'm hard to live with, and the steel, courage, and patience my wife shows to me and my career is amazing. She' had a hard time of the move, but she's strong and she will mourn, but come though ok in the end. My little boy was born in California. I love being a daddy. There is nothing better. Kids learn everything you teach them, so be wise. Children are the most important responsibility of any human those who do not have children miss out on this unmatched oppourunity or growth. I am most proud of my son and he is already growing up to be a good boy.
I must finish this now. It is therapeutic in a way. Gives you time you mourn as you go.
Until we meet again . . .
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