“Democracy is the process by which people choose the man who'll get the blame.”
~ Bertrand Russell
So this week witnessed the greatest gun massacre in history, or so the media tells us, and I'm not saying they are wrong, but I find it a little hard to believe in the last 230 years of the existence of the United States there has not been any other "gun massacre's" of a similar or larger magnitude . . . maybe the worst "lone gunman" masacre, but even then . . . But I suppose that is not my point. What happened in Virginia was unequivically fucked up - a tradgedy - an atrocity. What the fuck is wrong with the world? The guy was sick - crazy - what do you do about people like that? How are people like that "made"? Lots of questions, and even less than satisfying answers. And, if you haven't been in your global warming bunker, there is no way you could have missed this story. And it is not my intention to comment too much more on the incident specifically. I think many more have done this much more elloquently, passionately, and in a way that would do the dead the honor and dignity they deserve.
I do want to talk about the political "blame game" I now see going on. Fucking political media whores! Some of the shit about this incident coming out of the European press makes me want to break fucking windows and punt small dogs (I love dogs, so if you're offended go fuck yourself). The Europeans are bunch of fucking pussies. They're given up their right to self-defense and armed regime change - WILLFULLY! - and like little bitches would like to see that greatest nation on the planet follow suit. Fuck them. I have no real patience for people who've given up their personal responsibilities. These effeminate mental defectives would blame the guns - THE GUNS! People who blame guns for this tragedy need to be dragged out into the street to have their brains monkey stomped out of the fucking skulls. You see, we have 250 million guns in this country, and the story here is: not that tragedies occur, but how rarely they occur, relatively speaking. Shouldn't we be having shoot-outs in the streets, on an hourly basis if the european cream puffs would be believed. Idiots.
Let me take a quick second to talk about guns. They are necessary for the protection of the freedoms that we hold so dearly. You see history is rife with despots and dictators - this type of government is the rule not the exception! Look at history dumbass! You see this cute little representitive democracy "experience" will ultimately fade into the anals of time as a nice, funny, experiment, if you do not have the means and the will to maintain it. The only way to insure evil men are not able to take over the government comepletely and run thouroughly roughshod over your rights is to have the weaponry to convince them they cannot. It would only be a matter of time before a less than moral or ethical character, together with other less moral and ethical chracters conspires to make sure they are in power and stay there - is fucking history - it's the way humans are. Have your forgotten idiot? It might be cliche' but those who forget history are dommed to repeat it - got that jackass? Is that a concept that your boderline retarded brain can handle? Guns are necessary to maintence of a free state. You will, of course, rarely have these tradgedies and it is worth it in the long-run. Ben Franklin was right, "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety".
So what was the problem? You might have missed it, but the question in the problem. There is not a single one problem. There is no single blame. Let look at just some of the factors that lead to this tradgedy: crazy guys are not born they are made, why did a crazy guy have a gun, why was a crazy guy at school and living in a dorm, why did the school not handle the situation better, how did the police let this guy wait 2 hours between the first and second shootigs? Let's fucking blame somebody! Yeah! Fuck yeah! Everybody pile on! Lawsuits!
What? Who the fuck thinks like that? The mental defectives that's who. You see, humans are prone to error. We've all noticed this pecularity about the human condition, because we have all at one point and time noticed that we are emphatically NOT perfect. So how are systems designed by imperfect human beings supposed to be perfect? In fact, a reasonable, thinking human being would expect exactly the opposit! (notice the carefully choosen words, "resonable" and "thinking") Thus Murphy's Law and the old saying, "To Err is Human".
Which bring us to the Swiss Cheese Model of human systems theory - which basically says that for any given problem or accident or mistake there must be multiple system failures at multiple levels in the system in order for the entire system to fail - ie. all the holes in the swiss cheese must line up perfectly in order for catastrophe to occur.

You see, it is not enough to have competant people, who care, in place to prevent tragedy. Since even competent people make numerous small mistakes every single day, if you have enough competant people, each making one small mistake, which by itself would not cause problems, but lined up "properly" and you have a train wreck. That's life. That's the way things are. Fucking deal with it! And, stop using what is a horrible tragedy and a amazing exmaple of the NORMAL and EXPECTED breakdown in any human system as a platform to move your fucking idiotic and simpleton attempt to try and regulate the common man's last and final recorse - guns. Fuck you media whores! People died who sould not have died - horribly - stop using their deaths to destroy everything that is good about America! Have a little fucking common human decency!
Who's to blame for what happened Monday? Nobody and everybody. There are no guarantees in life and you have no right to be safe. So enojy what you have and be grateful for today. You ever know when the system will break down . . . grow a set and live.
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