“When asked, "If you had been in President Clinton's place would you have resigned?"
Armey's reply:
"If I had been in the president's place I would not have gotten the chance to resign. I would have been lying in a pool of my own blood, looking up, and listening to my wife ask, 'How do you reload this son of a bitch'?"”
~ Dick Armey
Man, I swear it takes me forever to get a new blog going sometimes. I find inspiration everywhere, which then procedes to leave my vacuous mind like helium spilling out of a balloon with a hole. Also . . . my wife. I'm glad she doesn't read this blog because what I'm about to say might offend her, and while I can tell you to take flying leap (don't shit your pants while you're up there), I do not have to sleep in the same bed as you (although if you're hot and very persistent, I can take one for the team . . .) anyway . . . I have lots of hobbies. I enjoy many different activities. My wife has no hobbies. Well, that goes to far. She has one hobby, and that is making sure I have trouble enjoying whatever hobby I happen to pick at any given moment. Do I love my wife? YES! She's fucking insane, but I love her, and truth be told she's a great woman (offers me plenty of oppourtunity for growth!) But I am continually amazed and confused at her attempts to redirect my attention form the things I enjoy doing. Compromise is difficult. Myself? I have evolved to the point where I can meet in the middle on just about anything; my wife, on the other hand, is still operating under the less evolved imprression that everyone who disagrees with her is a bad person and her enemy. Yeah . . . so, I be bloggin when she goes to bed. Ya kin? Marriage is NOT easy folks. Do not kid yourself.
So if an asshole gets on a plane on the west coast and flies to the east coast, conventional wisdom would predict that an asshole will get off a plane on the east coast. This little gem is a bit of the common wisdom you will find in the rooms of AA. Move from one city to another in hopes of leaving your past, troubles, and drinking behind is colloquially referred to as a "geographic" as in, "I was drinking so heavy in Pheonix because I was working in a bar, so I moved to Denver, where I drank because I had no money to ski". Know what I mean Vern? Anyway, this is not unlike yours truely, your humble author and correspondent . . . this last week as I went to the ARVO (Association for Rsearch in Vision and Ophthalmology) convention in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to present a poster. The meeting was great. I spent most of my time talking with people who were very cool and making connections. We came up with some great ideas for next years posters (who knows we may even get a decent publication). I am excited and motivated about a field I had given up after my thourough asskicking back in January. I think i've got one more shot at ophtho and I'm going to take it.
Second yoga session sucked worse than the first. Seriously what the fuck is up with yoga. I mean chicks do that shit. Why's it so hard for me? Kinda pisses me off - keeps me coming back. I'm sore in wierd places. It's not right, I tell ya, it's not right.
Finally, what up with gas prices? Still want to try and tell me there's no inflation? Sure, supply and demand necessitate an increase in price with the booming economies of India and China, but give me a fucking break?! I paid $3.47/gallon for the cheap stuff today, and if the retarded, enviromentalist, whack job, fuck nuts, have any say about it, I'll be paying $5. Idiots. I'm glad I'm leaving this fucking backward state - progressive is just a nice was of saying "special ed" and not "special" in the way your grandma thinks your special - short bus - get it?
To bed. Tommarow's gonna be early.
good luck matching into ophthalmology.
I'm pulling for you. I've seen you on SDN say that you had to redo a school year. I'm about to repeat 2nd year. If you can pull off ophthalmology, you'll be an inspiration to me. Even if you don't match ophtho... your story is still a positive one worth sharing. Good luck.
thanks for stopping by. I always like to find out I have new readers. thanks for the kind words, and I hope you stop by occasionally.
Well as far as high gas prices, I wish that that was the only problem. Would recomment this analysis and commentary by Perry Arnett, http://www.oilcrash.com/articles/arnett05.htm. I would say that we are very screwed and I do not think even the "New World Order" guys are smart enough to get us past this one. I would like to think that I am wrong but...
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