“It is inevitable that some defeat will enter even the most victorious life. The human spirit is never finished when it is defeated...it is finished when it surrenders.”
~ Ben Stein
Tommarow . . . I start WORK. Yeah! Ok, so I'm not where I want to be yet, but I'll be doing medically related research and I am stoked. When the long journey back from Ohio began neigh 6 weeks ago, I had no idea what I was going to do or how things were going to end up. I have been confused and scared, lonely and tired. I felt shame and remorse. I have been the butt redicule and displaced anger. This has hurt. Pain is life's greatest teacher, and I'm learning. Lord knows I am learning.
What has been amazing is that I am actually watching God work. It wasn't until I was broken and beaten up that I threw up my hands and said, "God I'm out of ideas. I've been trying and trying to do this without you. So, if something good is to come of a knuckle-headed, hardcase like me, you'll have to make the difference, because I'm shot. Please help me. I am shattered." God NEVER ignores a prayer like that. He found me in that broken place, lifted me up, carried me when I couldn't walk, and lead me upon the path He has chosen for me.
I am where I am today because of this miricle, and this is only the begining journey. I know who is in control now. Lord please keep me humble lest I forget.
He leads and I will follow.
1 comment:
What a ride!
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