"They're coming outta the walls. They're coming outta the goddamn walls, we're fucked!"
~ PFC W. Hudson (A08/TQ1.0.41776E3), Aliens
Let me paint a hypothetical for you . . . I'm a poor guy, uneducated, definitely have more than one species of parasite currently living off of my body, and I live in a van down by the river. Now, I know that in your house is some good grub, an extra bedroom and shower, and the backdoor is always unlocked. Are you going to be cool with my nasty ass coming into your house, eating your food, using your shower, and impregnating your daughter (not my fault she has "daddy issues" because you are an asshole). Are you going to shoot me, call the cops, ignore me? You tell me what you are going to do if I'm hanging out in your house uninvited?
Is it just me or does have half the country seem to have checked their brain at the door when it comes to illegal immigration? No human being is illegal? I'd like to meet the mental midget that came up with that slogan, because to meet someone who could utter such a ignorant, moronic, and illogical statement such as that warrants a case study . . . and I've got dibs (as an important tangent dibs is one of the more important rules and laws of nature. Like gravity, the abscence of dibs is nothing more than anarchy. Dibs means that I do not have to kick your ass every time I want the last nacho or slice of pizza. Dibs allows the little things in society to be dealt with without specific laws and maintains an order. You want to make an argument against the objective moral nature of dibs - let me hop up fornt after you call "shotgun" - tell me you're not pissed. Why, if morals are subjective? People who think morals are subjective can go fuck themselves)
Let's look at the definition of "illegal" shall we?
forbidden by law or statute
Hmmmmm. How about "alien" . . .
a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization
You don't say! So does that mean that someone in this country, who is not from this country, and is here outside the limits of our laws on immigraion is an "illegal alien" - YES jackass! - That is EXACTLY what I am saying! - It's the fucking definition! How retarded do you really have to be? Should your mom have feed you rat poison when she realized how fucking stupid you were? Yes! (But she loved you - that's what Moms do - can't hold it against her)
The whole debate is an emotional one. Including, "we don't like the term illegal alien - waaaahhhhhh." Go fuck yourself. It's what you are. It's crazy! A month ago a florida state legislator tried to get a bill passed that would ban the use of the term illegal alien from use in the state. Seriously, because it hurt the criminal's feelings. THE CRIMINAL'S FEELINGS! (at this point I must break for fits of conniption the smashing of small breakable objects).
What do these wonderful dregs on society contribute (oh let me count the ways):
1) Harm to healthcare: hospitals are closing because of costs of taking care of the uninsured illegals, valuable clinic time is wasted translating because illegals do not even have the decency to learn the fucking language of the system they are bilking, and all the fun and exotic disease they bring with them including excitement like TB.
2)Crime: "29 percent of criminals filling jails across this country are illegal and legal immigrants. They cost US taxpayers $1.6 billion annually. Illegals breed gangs, and gangs more crime. And if that was not bad enough "nearly one million sex crimes committed by illegal immigrants in the United States".
3) Harm to education: "The Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, DC, estimates a minimum of 1.1 million illegal alien children attend American schools. The great majority of them cannot and do not speak English. English as a Second Language classes costs taxpayers billions of dollars." Imagine the disruption to your child's education because most of the class cannot understand the language of the system they leech off of enough to be productive to the learning enviroment. Graduation rates sit around 70% mostly thanks to the children of illegals. As an added bonus these kids bring the public health problems and crime of above to school - talk about family values . . . And now, while you take out a 2nd mortgage on the house so your kid can go to school illegals are getting in-state tutition.
Seriously this HAS TO STOP! We need to close the border and I mean close it. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL. We are the greatest and richest nation on the planet and we could build a wall tall enough and deep enough to provide protection again almost any incursion. I'm talking berlin style bitch! Guard towers ever few hundred feet, barbed wire, vicious dogs, land mines, and machine guns - hell, if you get across we'll gladly grant you citizenship because you will obviously be the resourceful type of motherfucker we want in the country - you could turn it into a reality TV show (dibs).
We have to change the constitution to stop allowing for the automatic citzenship of babies born to illegal in this country. It's nuts - squirrel nuts - there is no other country on the planet that grants citizenship based solely on being born on certain soil.
We need to start rounding up everyone that is here illegally and send them home. Another notable Kansan pulled it off during his presidency, and we can too - NOW! (I like Ike! [not Turner])
Get politically active! The spineles politicians will do nothing unless you make sure you threaten their gravy train. Write, call, complain, sign petitions and encourage everyone else too. This is YOUR country, not theirs, and it's about time we started doing something about. You will only have yoursel to blame if you do nothing. And if I find out you did nothing, I will kick your ass.
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