"Is it weird in here, or is it just me?" ~ Stephen Wright
Yeah . . . so I've been working up to a really fucking massive nihilistic post, complete with all of the existential angst anyone could ever possibly deal with. But, I've been procrastinating, reading extraneous bullshit, further depressing myself about the general state of the world. Short tangent: if you look around at the world and don't find yourself just a little depressed, you're not paying fucking attention. I'm hitting another wall of small outrage fatigue. I mean how much bullshit can one man take in a day, a week, a month? Reading the news is like every day waking up to see someone beat a puppy with a baseball bat, and while you're working yourself up to deal with that a new person shows up feeding kittens into a chipper-shredder . . . fuck! I just almost can't take it anymore. I read because I think it's important to be informed, but what's a good man to do? I'm serious. Lately I've also taken to listening to music a lot again. I've found a new dj/producer I really like: Sean Tyas and he's got a great weekly podcast, Tytanium Sessions. This is the stuff I fell in love with back in 1999-2000, and it makes an old grown up candy raver's heart happy to hear the kind of music I used to listen to being played again regular (progressive house NEEDS to die a painful death - a PAINFUL one I say!!). Today. Today was also a gorgeous day. The weather was damned near perfect and for a little while I was actually extremely happy to be alive, driving with the windows down, while the late afternoon sun shown through an almost completely azure sky just enough to warm my skin, while the cool air flowed from the windows into the car. I didn't even mind the traffic today on the way home, even if the people here have no fucking clue how to drive (oh! . . . a lament for a California freeway . . .) You could almost forget that there was anything wrong with the world on a day like today. I played outside with the boy before dinner. He giggled and laughed. We had a blast. Damn, it feels good to be a gangster.
So, "what's the point here my man?" . . . good question. I'm glad you asked. I'm getting to it. Tonight after the boy's in bed I sit down for my daily dose of metaphorical live animal mutilation in the form of reading some of the alternative media for what's really going on in the world. I'm mildly deep in the rabbit hole when I run into this:
This just doesn't make any sense to me. Why would this particular spot in the google earth sky be blank? Those who know me well, know that I wear my foil hat pretty tight, but this one is almost too fucking weird for me . . .
Ok. So, "what's this going on about, anyway?" Another excellent question; we all seem to be very good at these questions this evening. What the video is referring to is Nibiru (feel free to gander at some of the links) or sometimes apparently referred to as "Planet X", and basically as I understand it, and I understand very little of it, there is an extra planet that we basically know nothing about. However, all the ancient civilization knew about this planet. Apparently this planet moves in a very large orbit around the sun and in a different direction from the rest of the planets - the general theory here is that this is a planet that was "captured" by our solar system as it moved through, apparently minding it's own business millions of year ago, perhaps colliding with a planet that used to exist where the asteroid belt does now . . . it's all pretty speculative. Here's the dealie-oh . . . it's coming back into our space again, and when it comes back it causes like a shit-ton of problems. Some have said it supposed to coincide with the end of the Mayan long calendar on December 21, 2012. Apparently we will see the end of this age with the galactic realignment and the approach of Nibiru and we will be brought into the Age of Aquarius, complete with further implications for humanity and out enlightenment. This is some pretty fucking wild shit here. It's a whole corner of the rabbit hole that I don't even poke around in much, and I'm not sure I'm going to . . . maybe I'll make a post about it all later, but in the meantime you all know about google and how to use it. There might be something to a legitimate galactic alignment with the 2012 date but NASA seems to disagree, and while I don't trust them that much, I don't see what advantage they have about lying about this in particular.
And all of this again brings me back to the first question: Why? Why is that particular section of the sky blacked out? I'm extremely skeptical of this "Planet X" stuff. Ok so the accusation goes that the government knows about this and is intentionally keeping it secret. Or is this possibly cointelpro simply running a honeypot trying to make certain segments of society look especially nutter when nothing shows up. I mean, all you would have to do to stir things up is to simply block that part of the sky . . . Could this simply be the folks at google fucking with people? Could it just be a survey glitch? Yeah, sure why not, right. You've got to admit it's all pretty fucking coincidental approaching the threshold of high strangeness indeed that this occurred the way it did.
Anyway . . . that tonight's post. I'll see you all again soon. Peace.
Keep digging grasshopper and continue to report the incongruities.
Great entry. Looking forward to the next one.
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