"I have an existential map. It has 'You are here' written all over it." ~ Steven Wright
Almost two years since my last post. I know any "regulars" have long since dropped off. However, I hope to pick up new regulars as I attempt my hand at this blogging thing again. Since my last post, life got really, really, really busy. Work, ya know? Which is too bad because there was so much going on in the world that needed my opinion stamped on it in this little hole in the innerwubz. The boy. He now lives with me full time, and he likes to play, not blog. His mother has strong opinions about the use of my time, and apparently blogging is not high on her list (she doesn't understand me - never has, never will, topic for another blog, if I ever have the energy to get into it), which is all too bad because I'm actually kind of good at this. I strongly considered restarting the blog this last winter, but I went through what can only be described as, "outrage fatigue" . . . there was just too much going on in the world that I found horrifying that I just couldn't even bring myself to read the news for a few weeks. The muse slept and has reawakened, though I know for how long exactly is difficult to say . . . at the moment though, I am in need of an outlet . . .
Every day I wake up and I feel like I'm in the middle of one of those horrible 1980s B movies about some future, strange dystopia where everything has gone awry and no one is happy. I mean seriously . . . what the fuck is going on in the world? Am I the only one who can't wrap his mind around the insanity all around me? I don't know if all of the preservatives in the boxed food, the fluoride in the water, and auto-immune provoking components in the vaccines have come together to make the perfect fucking shit storm in the brains of many people, or what, but the shit that's going on in the world, especially by our so called, "leaders", is nothing short of insane. What I find even more insulting is that these people actually have the fucking temerity to attempt to explain themselves as if they actually believe in the shit that they do . . . and that's probably the bigger problem . . . most of these people do believe in the nonsense that they espouse. It's nothing short of mental illness, and I strongly suspect too often of an organic brain disorder from our poisoned food, but some people are taught to think this way at university, and others . . . well . . . they came up with this shit on their own. Beautiful. Just. Fucking. Beautiful.
What am I going on about? If you don't know, then you are either 1) one of the brain damaged, 2) actually think nothing is going wrong because you are a true believer, or 3) not paying enough fucking attention(!) (start paying fucking attention!). Everywhere you look you can see the encroaching of the State, and the men with guns the State needs to necessarily employ in order to make you do what is in the best interests of the philosopher kings, because there is no way you'd actually go along with this shit willingly. Who are the philosopher kings you ask? Good question. You know them. You know them very well, these are the folks that insist on telling you what is best for you and for your family. These are the people who will vote for and pass banking bailouts despite the people overwhelmingly being against it. These are the people who will pass a government mandated health insurance for everyone despite the majority of the people being against it. These are the people who are talking about "cap and trade" despite what one more tax will do to the economy of this country, and despite that the majority of people are NOT interested. What is even more galling is that the Washington insiders are not even apologetic about any of it, because they think they know best . . . even more frightening are the people who agree.
The BEST recent, modern discussion of this topic comes to us by Angelo M. Codevilla at The American Spectator: America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution. Codevilla essentially establishes in a completely cohesive and rational manner the attitude of the elites, philosopher kings, the powers that be, or as he terms them . . . "the ruling class" and the disconnect between them and the electorate. It's a long article but worth reading, and I highly recommended it.
At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself: What kind of world do I want to live in? I woke up today, much the same way I've woken up for the last few years, saying, "No! Hell no! I didn't sign up for any of this shit - the bailouts, the taxes, the foreign wars, the police state with warrantless wiretaps and GPS tracking of vehicles. And I'm sick and tired of it!" I think there is good news because I see the folks who are winning primaries and I think there is some hope - lots of hope actually.
But then, I'm a cynic . . . till next time . . . I leave you with this
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