"Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them if we basely entail hereditary bondage on them." ~ Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms, July 6, 1775
Who remembers Star Trek: The Next Generation? I'm dating myself a little bringing this up - used to watch it on Saturday nights with the old man before I got "too big and cool" to hang out with him anymore . . . teenagers are shitty little creatures and it's a miracle of love that any of our parents allow us to live through these times in our lives without beating the living shit out of our ever deserving, smug, self-satisfied faces. They must figure someone needs to look after them when they're old, and maybe we won't, but, hey, it's like buying a lottery ticket maybe we will - can't win the lottery if you burn the ticket. I digress. Who else remembers the Borg? These guys brought into the collective popular consciousness the saying, "Resistance is futile". Obviously, yeah, well, that was, like, just their opinion, man. Which brings me to the topic of today's post . . . is it? Resistance, I mean. Is it futile?
This post was inspired by a small piece I found over at Activist Post by Sally O'Boyle entitled: Dear Southern Poverty Law Center and Department of Justice. It was an open letter responding to the publications by the Southern Poverty Law Center which paint anyone who's not a progressive meathead into the box of "possible terrorist". I'm not even joking. If you think government is getting out of control, and would like to reign it back, and, oh(!), are a little angry about it all . . . well, you sir are probably a terrorist according to the filth at the SPLC. But surely this is just a few lefty, anti-american nutters, right? Sadly no. If you weren't paying attention you might have missed this little ditty spring of 2009 . . . the MIAC report (go here to see the scanned document which was leaked to Infowars). And who exactly is this garbage publication motherfucking? Well, let me tell you . . . people that have a problem with 1) The United Nations, 2) Gun Control, 3) The violation of Posse Comitatus, 4) The Federal Reserve, 5) The Income Tax, 6) Abortion, 7) Illegal Immigration . . . name just a few. Also of note are people who support third parties and their candidates. If you do not believe me, you may read through the document at the link provided above. At this point you should be scratching you head and saying, "What the fuck?" because if you are not, you have FAILED to pay attention and will need to try again. "Wait a minute!" you exclaim as the dots connect, "This piece of shit says I should be profiled as a terrorist!" Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! You win the prize.
Let me connect one more set of dots for you out there who are ignorant. The MIAC report was the product of what is called a "threat fusion center". Or, in layman's terms . . . the federal government working with state and local law enforcement to paint patriotic Americans as the enemy. Are you pissed yet? Because you fucking should be - there are fusion centers in all of our states. This is not an isolated to missouri incident. Your friendly, local, secret police are watching you too. O'Boyle's response to all of this: "Would you please tell me who else is on your lists, so that I might meet them?" Ha! Fuck the fuckers. I don't doubt for a second that part of the psychology here is to attempt a "chilling effect". Well . . . fuck them! Fuck them 1000%. Because, you see, resistance is not futile.
The answer to all of these reports and the encroaching central monopoly of power is to simply not play along. It's a helluvah concept. At the state level simply say, "No thank you". Seriously. What are they going to do? Invade Arizona? And even if the Feds not only had the man-power and political will to invade a single state, would they have the same nutzack to go do it to 10 or 20 states? "Oh, but this was tried and failed during the Civil War," you may interject. I'm not talking about secession and armed conflict (which is probably where the south went wrong on a purely practical level - all the mistakes of the south before, during, and after the civil war are beyond the scope of this blog). The states just say, "No," and there is not a fucking thing Washington can do about it. What are they going to do? Withhold money we don't even have in the first place? We're broke, and we don't want it anymore. Removing ourselves from the central government teat would be well worth the lack of a devil's deal to be on the dole in the first place. We live in a Constitutional Republic, and we have a solution written into the law of our land. The 9th and 10th amendment says, we say, "No. Go fuck yourself, you have no authority here," and then we wait. The change will happen if we simply peaceably resist.
The best way to recognize a tyrant is to make one, act like one. Remember the one who fires the first shot loses. Not only that, but we can show the country and the world that the degenerate minds that brought us the SPLC and MIAC reports were wrong, dead wrong, and we weren't interested in armed revolt at all, merely a political change that respected our wishes . . . we don't fire unless fired upon first . . . heh . . . either way, we win.
Steady as she goes boys. We're holding all the cards.